Justin is currently in his 19th year as an educator at 棋牌游戏大全. 他是坦帕本地人, FL and graduated from the University of South Florida with an undergraduate degree in Physical Education and a Master’s Degree in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies. 除了担任暑期项目主任之外, 他也是11年级和12年级的学生主任, 甲级足球教练, and the proud parent of three children who are all currently enrolled at Berkeley.
Josh Beckwith is entering his twelfth year as 夏天的计划 Sports Director. 他是塞米诺尔人, Florida, 毕业于塞米诺尔高中, where he was an All-American swimmer and swim team captain. 他毕业于埃默里大学, 他还是游泳队的队长, and he holds a Master’s degree in Elementary Education from Vanderbilt. Josh有11年的游泳教练经验, including four years with Berkeley’s varsity swim and dive team. He coached the Berkeley middle division girls soccer team for fourteen years and is presently in his sixteenth year as a 中间部门 Global Studies teacher at Berkeley. Josh也是六年级的教务长. Josh has been a teacher for 23years, five of which were spent in Japan.
谢娜·古德曼,16岁, 暑期艺术学院的院长, is a proud Berkeley alumni who is thrilled to return as the lower division theatre teacher. Shayna earned a Bachelor of Art in Theatre Arts from Florida State University and a Master of Science in Education from John’s Hopkins University. She is so happy to be able to combine her passion for the arts with her love for childhood development and education. She is dedicated to providing a rich and engaging experience for all participants and helping students foster their artistic and intellectual growth.
Michele McKenna joined the Berkeley faculty in 2005 and has been a 夏天的计划 faculty member since 2006. 她是在她的第六个夏天领导卓越的夏天, having been closely involved with this very popular lower division enrichment program for many years prior to that. 她是佛罗里达人, 莱托高中的毕业生, and received her bachelor’s degree from Florida State University. She currently teaches in the Center for Science, Engineering, and Technology (C-SET)at Berkeley. 米歇尔也在幼儿园工作过, first grade, 二年级, 学习中心, 作为技术团队的一员. She has presented on using technology effectively in the classroom at the Future of Education and Technology Conference, the Florida Council of Independent Schools annual conference, 以及佛罗里达幼儿园理事会年会. Her son, Brandon, 2017年毕业于棋牌游戏平台大学, having been a student at Berkeley since pre-kindergarten.
成立于1960年, 棋牌游戏平台是独立的, Episcopal, 位于坦帕的大学预备走读学校, FL, for boys and girls in grades Pre-Kindergarten through 12. Approximately 1,400 students gather here from the greater Tampa Bay area to form ONE Berkeley.